Sketch 2: Game Modification

Title: Trick or Treat?

Ages: 13+

Object: Be the first player to reach the castle

Rules of the Game:

1. Cards

One color block: Move ahead to the next space that matches this color.

Two color block: Move ahead to the second space that matches this color.

Special cards: Each special card allows you to do a special action. They can only be used once during each game, do not put them back in the deck when reshuffling. Their special actions are as follows.

Lollipop: If you draw this card then you must challenge someone to a game of rock, paper, scissors. If you win then you may switch places with the person you challenged. If you lose then you must go back five spaces.

Peanut: If you draw this card then you must summon one of your fellow players to your location.

Mint: You have the choice of choosing anyone in the game, besides yourself, to send directly to the castle thus ending the game and declaring a winner. Will you offer a mint or keep it to yourself?

Ice Cream: Melt the game by forcing everyone to return to the start.

2. Choose your player

Based off of the player that you choose there will be certain advantages. The players and their advantages are as follows. You are allowed to use your abilities at any time throughout the game, but be sure to save your two color block card.

Green: If you pick up a two color green block, you are allowed to choose another card and decide between the two.

Red: If you pick up a two color red block, you are allowed to burn someone by making them pick up another card and burn the last one they picked up.

Yellow: If you pick up a two color yellow block, you are allowed to pause the game, see the next four cards, and switch the order in any way that you want.

Blue: If you pick up a two color blue block, you are allowed to freeze a player from taking a turn

3. Road Rules

If you land on a licorice square, you lose your next turn.

If you land on the shortcut spaces then you get to take a shortcut by moving to the square at the other end of the shortcut path.

Sharing spaces is allowed.